• Buyers Agent Purchase in Neutral Bay, Sydney - Dining
  • Buyers Agent Purchase in Neutral Bay, Sydney - Building
  • Buyers Agent Purchase in Neutral Bay, Sydney - Bedroom
  • Buyers Agent Purchase in Neutral Bay, Sydney - Balcony and Garden View


Property Type: 2 bedroom apartment

Property Location: Highview Ave, Neutral Bay


Buyer’s Scenario

Our services came highly recommended to our client from their friend who had bought with us in a similar suburb.

Our client was frustrated at missing out on dream properties at the last minute to more competitive bids and didn’t want to miss out again.


Buyers Agent’s Solution

We strategized our approach for this property’s auction well before the day.

We completed a thorough market evaluation and due diligence to understand the true market value and how those fare with our client’s budget.

Our expert negotiator, Frank Russo understands the highly pressurized complexities of Auction Day. Using strategic closing tactics, he was able to successfully secure her new home without a drawn-out bidding war that ultimately would have only driven up the purchase price.

Our client was incredibly relieved to have finally bought her home for a price she was really happy with.


Buyer’s Comments

“I was introduced to Frank by a friend who recently bought an apartment in Mosman.

She told me that Frank was fantastic and she should’ve used his service earlier. So, I contacted Frank and found that he was respectful and polite, and it was easy to communicate with him.

Talking to him was always a pleasure, as he supported working as a team.

At the auction, he was very professional and handled everything perfectly.

His explanation was clear and precise, and I had 100% confidence in his ability.

I would highly recommend Frank to anyone looking for a buyer’s agent.

Arigatou gozaimasu.